Why invest in closed-end funds?
Closed-end funds (CEF) are actively-managed investment vehicles that focus on providing investors consistent distributions and returns. A CEF raises capital primarily through an initial public offering (IPO), which is then invested into a portfolio of stocks and other securities.
How are closed-end funds traded?
After the IPO, every CEF is listed on a national exchange, such as the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), where its shares are purchased and sold between investors, similar to a stock.
How is the price of a closed-end fund determined?
Closed-end funds have a fixed amount of shares that are bought and sold in the open market. Shares typically trade in relation to, but independent of, their underlying net asset values (NAVs). When shares of closed-end funds trade at prices below their underlying NAVs (at a discount), investors have the opportunity to enhance the return on their investment by making bargain purchases.
How do closed-end funds differ from open-end funds?
Open-end mutual funds create new shares every time a shareholder invests and stand ready to redeem their shares at all times. Transactions in shares of mutual funds are based on their net asset value (NAV), determined at the close of each business day. Sometimes the transaction price includes an adjustment for a sales, redemption or other charge.
For more information about the advantages of investing in closed-end funds
Closed-End Funds: Discover an Attractive Investment Alternative
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